Speaking Engagements


Saundra M. Gumerove is a frequent speaker at local, regional, and national meetings of legal organizations, not-for-profits, and governmental entities.

She is a sought-after speaker on legal matters and special needs issues. She has participated in Continuing Legal Education programs for the New York State Bar Association, Nassau County Bar Association, Suffolk County Bar Association and the Academy of Special Needs Planners. She has also presented seminars for parents of children with disabilities for Nassau-AHRC, the Developmental Disabilities Institute, and Life’s WORC, where she is an advisor to its Supplemental Needs Pooled Trust.

Presentations for Families


   Planning for your Special Needs Child
        Sachem High School Transition Fair
             March 13, 2017
   NYS Conference of Divorce Mediators
             December 9, 2017

   Special Education Myths
         SASI (Suffolk Aspergers/Autism Support & Information)
              January 27, 2017

   Fundamental Issues: Guardianships, Supplemental Needs Trusts and Estate Planning
        The Shield Institute
            September 2016

   Guardianship for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
        AHRC Nassau Family Seminar Series
             May 2016

    Family Seminar Series – Planning for the Future
        AHRC Nassau
              May 2016

        Unity Kiwanis
             October 26, 2015

    Fundamental Issues: Guardianships, Supplemental Needs Trusts and Estate Planning
         The Shield Institute
              September 2015

          Levittown School District-Division Avenue High School
              May 11, 2015

    Anti-Bullying – Seminar Part 2
         Nassau County Bar Association Community Outreach Program
               March 2, 2015

    Family Seminar Series- Planning for the Future
          AHRC Nassau
               May 2015

     Anti-Bullying – Seminar Part 1
         Nassau County Bar Association Community Outreach Program
              October 20, 2014

     Fundamental Issues: Guardianships, Supplemental Needs Trusts and Estate Planning
         The Shield Institute
               September 2014

    Family Semina Series- Planning for the Future
          AHRC Nassau
               May 2014

    Fundamental Issues: Guardianships, Supplemental Needs Trusts and Estate Planning
         The Shield Institute
               September 2013

    Family Seminar Series- Planning for the Future
           AHRC Nassau
                May 2013

     Supplemental Needs Trust Update
           1st and 2nd Department Guardianship Judge’s Roundtable
                January 15, 2013

     Planning for Your Future: Issues facing individuals with Physical Disabilities
          MDA Association
               December 7, 2012

    Fundamental Issues Facing Families of Children with Disabilities
          Gersh Academy
               November 7,2012

    What Eery Insurance Agent Should Know when Working with Families with Family Members with Disabilities
           John Hancock Westbury Office
                October 1, 2012

     Fundamental Issues: Guardianships, Supplemental Needs Trusts and Estate Planning
          The Shield Institute
                September 2012

    Medicaid Service Coordinator Training: Guardianships and Trust
          Life’s WORC
               May 15 ,2012

    Family Seminar Series- Planning for the Future
           AHRC Nassau
               May 2012

    Transition to Adulthood
           Devereaux Glen Holme School
                March 2 ,2012
Presentations for Professionals


   NYS Conference of Divorce Mediators
             December 9, 20172016
    How to Legally Protect Assets for Individuals with Disabilities
         Nassau County Bar Association Community Relations Committee
               April 2016

     How to use the Able Act
           Nassau County Bar Association Elder Law Committee
                 April 2016

     NCBA CLE Chapter 36 Training
           Nassau County Academy of Law
                 Februrary 2016

    Protecting Sudents with Disabilities from Bullying
         Nassau County Bar Association
              March 2015

    Beware the Able Act
         Nassau County Bar Association Elder Law Committee CLE
              March 2015

    Protecting Family Members with Disabilities
          St. Charles Hospital, Department of Social Work
              November 4, 2014

    Protecting Family Members with Disabilities
         John T. Mather Memorial Hospital, Department of Social Work
              October 6, 2014

     Transition: Moving from School to the Adult Community
           North Shore LIJ Grand Rapids
              October 2013

     Fundamental Issues: Guardianship
          Learning Rx
              June 2013

     Guardianships, Trusts and Estates from the Professional’s Viewpoint
           Faye Lindner Center for Autism
              May 2013

    Turning 18: Issues for Individuals with Disabilities
         Sagamore Children’s Psychiatric Center
              May 2013

    Supplemental Needs Trust Update
         1st and 2nd Department Guardianship Judge’s Roundtable
              January 15, 2013

    Planning for Your Future: Issues facing individuals with Physical Disabilities
        Muscular Dystrophy Association
             December 7, 2012

    Fundamental Issues Facing Families of Children with Disabilities
        Gersh Academy
             November 7, 2012

    What Every Insurance Agent Should Know when Working with Families with Family Members with Disabilities
        John Hancock Westbury Office
              October 1, 2012

     Fundamental Issues: Guardianships, Supplemental Needs Trusts and Estate Planning
         The Shield Institute
              September 13, 2012

    Medicaid Service Coordinator Training: Guardianships and Trust
         Life’s WORC
               May 15, 2012

    Family Seminar Series- Planning for the Future
         AHRC Nassau
              May 2, 2012

    Trust Administration for Supplemental Needs Trusts
         Suffolk County Bar Association CLE Presentation
              January 18, 2012
Diane Cosentino Avatar
Diane Cosentino
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Bill Liu Avatar
Bill Liu
Great services
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Richard Brehl Avatar
Richard Brehl
Saundra is kind, thorough, and knowledgeable.
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The information contained on this website is presented for informational and marketing purposes only and is not to be understood as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice respecting your individual needs. Saundra M.Gumerove & Associates looks forward to speaking with you about your particular needs. Please note, however, that the mere act of contacting our firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. As a result, you should never send any confidential information to our office until a Representation Agreement has been signed by both you and Saundra M.Gumerove & Associates.

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